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Permanent residence permit - FOREIGNER

Permanent residence permit

‣ Permanent Residence Permit

A permanent residence permit is a document that allows foreigners to legally reside and work in Poland indefinitely. Holding a permanent residence card grants foreigners rights similar to those of Polish citizens, except for the right to vote and run for office. A permanent residence permit in Poland offers numerous opportunities, from professional and personal stability to full integration into Polish society.

Permanent Residence Permit in Poland

Who is eligible for a permanent residence card?

A permanent residence card is issued to foreigners who meet specific requirements, such as:

  • Polish descent,
  • Marriage to a Polish citizen,
  • Possession of a Polish Card (Karta Polaka),
  • Being granted subsidiary protection.

How to obtain a permanent residence permit in Poland?

A permanent residence permit is issued based on an appropriate application and documents that the foreigner must provide. The first step in this process is to submit:

A valid passport in the form of a copy of the page containing personal data and obtained stamps,
Documents confirming the legality of the current stay in Poland (visas, temporary residence cards, issued decisions),
A sworn translation of the marriage certificate (if the applicant is a spouse of a Polish citizen),
Documents confirming Polish descent (if the applicant has such documents).

The completed application for permanent residence, along with the documents, must be submitted in person at the provincial office appropriate for the place of residence. It is important to ensure that the application is completed correctly and contains the necessary attachments. The permanent residence application must be completed in Polish. It is also necessary to pay the administrative fee for its consideration.

The permanent residence application is usually processed within a few months. During this time, the foreign applicant may be asked to provide additional documents or explanations. After the application is positively reviewed by the office, the foreigner receives a permanent residence permit in Poland. Based on this permit, a permanent residence card is issued, which serves as an identity document and confirms the legal status of the foreigner’s stay in the Republic of Poland. The permanent residence card is valid for 10 years and can be renewed.

Permanent Residence Card - Why is it worth having?

Legal residence in Poland and holding a permanent residence card come with benefits and increased opportunities, such as:

  • No need to obtain additional permits, which facilitates finding and keeping a job in Poland,
  • Access to full social and health benefits available to Polish citizens,
  • Easier access to Polish universities and broader educational opportunities,
  • Easier travel within the Schengen area without the need for additional visas,
  • The ability to run a sole proprietorship.

Obtain a Permanent Residence Permit in Poland with Foreigner

Our company specializes in comprehensive assistance to foreigners who want to legalize their stay or work in Poland. We provide services to both private clients and companies employing foreigners.

With us, the process of obtaining a permanent residence permit in Poland will proceed as quickly and stress-free as possible. We offer professional advice, assistance in handling all formalities, and preparation of the required documents and applications.

Contact us and get support today!

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